Боротьба (Newspaper, 1906)

Borot'ba (Struggle) was a Ukarainain political, economic and literary newspaper, published in Kyiv in 1906 twice a week by Mykola Stakhovsky. The first issue of the newspaper was published on May 27. After June 7, 1906, the newspaper was banned during martial law.

Сніп (Newspaper, 1912)

Snip ("the Sheaf") was a weekly Ukrainian-language newspaper edited in Kharkiv in 1912 by Mykola Mikhnovsky, at the expense of Mykhailo Bilenky. Ivan Franko, Leonid Pakharevsky, Mykola Kononenko, Taras Zhoralsky and others collaborated with the weekly. The periodical covered Ukrainian political and cultural life in the Russian Empire. The first issue was published on January 1, 1912. At the end of 1912, the magazine was closed due to financial difficulties.

Viața Basarabiei (Newspaper, 1907)

Viața Basarabiei (The Life of Bessarabia) was a Bessarabian newspaper in Romanian language, published in Chișinău in 1907. The first issue of the newspaper was published on April 22, 1907. The purpose of the publication was to continue the cause of the closed newspaper Basarabia. The newspaper's editor was Alexis Nour. Viața Basarabiei was published in two versions: using the Cyrillic alphabet “for those who read Russian" and in Latin “for the general intelligent public in Bessarabia and in all countries inhabited by Romanians”.

Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe

This book is a revised translation of two works by Miroslav Hroch, which together form a pioneering comparative analysis of the various struggles for national identity in nineteenth-century Europe. It is concerned with the decisive phase of 'national renaissance', when small groups of committed patriots successfully generated mass support. When and why was their propaganda effective? The author attempts to answer this fundamental question by locating the patriots within the contemporary social structure, and uses data derived from many different nationalisms. The work is divided into three sections; a theoretical examination of the origins of nationalism and nation-hood, a quantitative survey of the social and territorial structure of the patriots of eight representative national movements, and a comparative analysis of the social and professional groups that formed the milieu of patriotism. Numerous statistical tables and maps illuminate the text, which forms one of the most significant studies of the nationalist phenomenon to be published in recent years.

Русско-валашские отношения в конце XVII – начале XVIII в.

Работа посвящена одной из малоизученных страниц в истории русско-румынских взаимоотношений – связям России с Валахией в конце XVII – начале XVIII в. Русско-валашские связи в этот период были многообразными. Главное внимание уделяется истории дипломатических отношений Валахии с Россией; на основе имеющихся материалов рассматриваются также торговые и культурные взаимосвязи; с привлечением новых архивных документов освещаются русско-валашские связи во время Прутского похода Петра I и в 1712–1713 гг.

Народы и области (Journal, 1914)

Журнал «Народы и области», посвященный национальному и областному вопросам на окраинах Российской империи. Издавался «Обществом единения нородов России» с мая по декабрь 1914 года. Всего вышло 8 номеров.

Этнографическая карта Черноморской губернии с молдавскими поселениями

На карте показано расселение этнических групп на Черноморском побережье Кавказа в 1900 г. Среди прочего отмечены молдавские села. Всего в Черноморской губернии проживало 1038 молдаван, при общей численности населения более 57 тыс. человек.

Ioan Pelivan: istoric al mișcarii de eliberare naționala din Basarabia

În economia lucrării un loc aparte ocupă amintirile lui Ioan Pelivan referitoare la evenimentele la care a participat nemijlocit precum și paginile de evocare a personalității sale la manifestările de omagiere cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 60 de ani şi cu prilejul reînhumării osemintelor sale la cimitirul Cernica, la 4 aprilie 1976.
